Saturday, March 14, 2009

Nauseous and Hoarse

Today started out pretty rough. I slept okay, but woke up with a pounding headache. I tried to take a pain killer as soon as possible, but apparently I didn't eat enough before hand because eventually it made me nauseous and that lasted all morning. I have rarely felt so sick as I did this morning. I tried anti-nausea medicine, but that didn't seem to help. The kids were up pretty early too, and until Billy got some food in him he didn't want anything to do with anyone except Mommy. Luckily he cheered up after breakfast and Aunt Cathy took both kids grocery shopping which gave me some quality quiet time to start feeling better. Tonight I am feeling much better and have my appetite back. I'm going to try not to take any more of the pain killers tomorrow so I don't have to deal with the nausea. Tylenol should be enough. My pain is not that bad any more anyway. The muscles in my neck around the incision get sore if I talk too much or stretch too much, and sometimes when I swallow food, but I can deal with that.

My voice is a little hoarse, but apparently today it has gotten better. This afternoon Julia said "Mommy you sound like you again!" I still can't raise my voice though or use much inflection. It must because the muscles I use to do that are sore. One of the risks of the surgery however is a permanent change in voice or permanent hoarseness. (because the laryngeal nerve runs down the wind pipe right near the thyroid, they work hard not to disturb it or damage it, but sometimes it happens) Hopefully my hoarseness won't be permanent. Although I've been told my voice is recognizable over the phone, so that's good. And since it's already improved, hopefully it will continue to improve. Oh, and it could also be hoarse because on top of everything I have a cold. I was starting to get it before the surgery and now my nose and ears are stuffed up.

So that's the latest update. Right now I'm watching the undefeated Ames High boys basketball team play for the state championship (they are tied at half time) Go Little Cyclones!

1 comment:

  1. What an interesting and strange after-effect. I think it would be COOl if you have a new hoarse voice. :) But, I guess that's no good for kids. They want the mom they know, with the voice they recognize. That sure is cute about Billy being all about mom. And Cathy rocks!
