Tuesday, March 10, 2009


I had such a fun evening with the kids. I opted not to go to our dance class tonight that we teach so that I could put the kids to bed myself and spend time with them before the surgery. They were so cute. They started asking questions about the surgery and the hospital and we ended up playing surgeon. Each of them took a turn taking out the bump in my neck. They gave me "medicine" to put me to sleep, then very carefully removed the bump. Then they woke me up, put me in my hospital bed, and took care of me by turning on the "tv," bringing me "meals," and giving me "medicine." They were really into it. Then after I was in the hospital two "nights" they drove me home in the "car," helped me inside, and acted out a movie for me. Once I was all better, we galloped around the house and played duck duck goose. Too much fun. Then when we got ready for bed, we all cuddled up in mom & dad's bed to read books. Very special night. We should really do this more often! (minus the real life surgery please)

I must thank everyone for the positive thoughts, phone calls, and offers of help. And especially everyone who has shared a story of someone they know who has gone through this. I am amazed at how common it is. Each story I hear makes me feel a little bit better. So thank you so much.


  1. Dear Amy, This is the greatest "feel-good moment" ever! Your darling little kids make the best medicine you could possibly get. May their delightful little hospital sceniro be an omen that things will go as well in real life Wednesday. My prayers are with you. LOVE, Ant Patsy

  2. I love that story, Amy. What a wonderful evening together. You're the coolest thyroid cancer mom ever.
