Monday, March 23, 2009

Getting back to normal

Things are finally getting back to normal around here. Cathy went home last Thursday, and things have been going well. It was so nice that I was able to have the surgery right before spring break so that Cathy easily could come to help and our routine was going to be messed up anyway. Today we were back to our regular routine with Julia going to preschool and the kids are so happy to have things back to normal. I have been able to do things like take Julia to preschool or run errands in the morning, and then I rest in the afternoon. Each day I get a little bit stronger and don't need quite as much rest.

So my blog posts won't be as frequent now, and the focus of them is going to change. Instead of blogging about my health, I'm going to start blogging about RAGBRAI! We are in the planning stages for our trek across Iowa. We are still waiting for all of our team members to sign up. Then we will mail our entry in and hope we are accepted. Dan has already started writing our military-style brief for everything the team will need to know. We are really looking forward to it and I will post all we are doing to plan for it but especially will post each day during RAGBRAI about what we are doing and pictures from the journey itself.

1 comment:

  1. Amy, Great, that you guys are pretty much back to normal already. What super liitle troopers the kids are.
    And to think that you are focusing on something else already, jumping right in to getting the RAGBRAI thing finalized! Where do you get all this energy??!! Love your comment of Dan writing up a military-style brief. Cute.
    LOVE, Ant Patsy
